Green Cross Group Practice

63 Palgrave road, S5 8GS

Telephone: 0114 234 4729

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111

28 Dunninc Road Surgery, S5 0AE


How to book appointments:

The surgery offers both pre booked and on the day appointments. our on the day appointments are released each day at 8:30am, and are bookable either online or via the telephone.  Requests for on the day appointments finish at 10am or once capacity is reached, whichever occurs first. If we have reached capacity for the day we will assess what other services are appropriate , such as an out of hour hub appointments, NHs111 or direct you to the walk in centre.



Appointment System

The surgery offers both pre booked and on the day appointments. our on the day appointemnts are released each day at 8:30am, and are bookable either online or via the telephone.  Requests for on the day appointments finish at 10am or once capacity is reached, whichever occurs first. If we have reached capacity for the day we will assess what other services are appropriate , such as an out of hour hub appointments, NHs111 or direct you to the walk in centre. 




Community Pharmacy Consultation Service (CPCS)
What is this new service about?
From Monday 16th August 2021 when you call the practice, you will be asked about your symptoms. If they indicate that you can best be helped by a pharmacist, you will be offered a same day private consultation with a community pharmacist of your choice. Community pharmacists have already successfully seen thousands of patients for a consultation for a minor illness, following a call to NHS 111. This new way of arranging consultations with the pharmacist by a GP practice, has been successfully piloted around the county.
Why are you doing this?
Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals and experts in medicines. They can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for all sorts of minor illnesses, and a same day consultation can be arranged quickly and at a time to suit you. This in turns frees up GP appointments for those people with more complex symptoms who really need to see a GP.
What happens when I see the community pharmacist?
We will share your personal details with the pharmacist and details of your minor illness and the pharmacist will contact you to arrange your consultation on the same day, or at a time that suits you.
You may be seen in person in a private consulting room, if the pharmacist thinks it appropriate, or your consultation may be carried out over the phone or via video. You will be asked about your medical history and symptoms and current medication, in the same way the GP would ask you about them.
Usually, the pharmacist will provide you with advice and can sell you with an over the counter product where needed, if you choose. They will also send details of your consultation back to us for our records.


Patient Notice


By booking online you understand that you are only to book the appointment relevant to its type. If you are found to be misusing the system or booking incorrect appointments you fully understand that your access will be revoked.

We also reserve the right to cancel any appointments which are booked into the incorrect slot type.

Appointments that will be available online:

Clinician on the day face to face appointment

These are bookable from 8:30 am for on the day requests. 

Clinician 10 day pre bookable appointment

These are bookable 10 days in advance

ACP On the day face to face appointment 

These are available on the day from 8:30am with our Advanced Care Practitioner Mr Martin Drye.

Annual Asthma Review

Annual Asthma Review. These are currently telephone review appointments. You will have received either a text or call from us to book this type of appointment.

Annual COPD Review

Annual COPD Review. You will have received either a text or call from us to book this type of appointment.

Annual Diabetes Review

Annual Diabetes Review. Please ensure you have had your bloods done at least a week before this appointment. You will have received either a text or call from us to book this type of appointment.

Smear (Cervical Screening)

You will have received either a text or call from us to book this type of appointment. You may have also received a national booking letter from the cervical screening team.

Blood Pressure Check

This is a simple 10min BP check. You will have received either a text or call from us to book this type of appointment.

Blood Test

You will have received either a text or call from us to book this type of appointment.

Pharmacist Medication Review

Medication review with the Practice Pharmacist. You will have received either a text or call from us to book this type of appointment. You may also note that your medication review is due on your prescription.

Physio Assessment

Pre bookable Physio Assessment with our Physio. You do not need a GP referral to book this. This Physio will only consult with patients over 16 years of age.


Many thanks

Management Team

Green Cross Group Practice


Other Information:

We understand that this means that the phone lines from 8:30am-10am are going to be extremely busy and we have arranged the reception team to be answering calls continuously until 10am. The telephone lines will hold up to 10 calls then you will hear the engaged tone. We can only persuade you to keep trying. 

If you require an interpreter for your appointments, the practice will accommodate these requests.

If you are a worker and categorically cannot make or take phone calls the practice will try and accommodate these requests.

Continuation sick notes must be requested before 10am. If you contact the surgery after this time you will be asked to call the next working day. Please note, Doctors cannot issue sick notes for future dates, they can only issue them from the date they expire. However, Doctors can back date sick notes.

Home Visits must be requested before 10am and are only available for housebound, vulnerable, severely ill or end of life patients.

The Patient Advisors have been trained in recognizing medical symptoms that require attention that needs to be seen elsewhere (urgent or otherwise). These can include: chest pain, breathlessness, severe bleeding, overdose, severe pain, broken bones and sprains, trauma and collapse. If the Patient Advisors advise you to attend or contact another service you must do so. This is for your own health and not because the Patient Advisors are turning you away but because we don’t have the correct equipment in the surgery and the Doctors will only advise you of the same.

Alternatively, if you are registered for our online services appointments are bookable by Clicking Here and logging in. If you wish to enquire about this service please ask at reception.

Receptionists are available 8.15 – 12:30 and 1:30 – 6.00 each day except for Thursdays when they are available until 3pm.

Patients are reminded that it is their responsibility to keep appointments. Failure to notify the practice of cancellations may prevent another patient using the appointment. The surgery operates a DNA policy and may request removal from the practice list for recurrent DNAs.

Any patients displaying violent or abusive behaviour to staff, other patients or doctors are likely to be asked to leave the practice list.

Surgery Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:15am to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:15am to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:15am to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:15am to 03:00pm
    Dunninc Road Site closes at 1pm
  • Friday
    08:15am to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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