63 Palgrave road, S5 8GS
Telephone: 0114 234 4729
Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111
See our other Locations
28 Dunninc Road Surgery, S5 0AE
ModeShift Stars – Approved Travel Plan 2024 Clean Air Day Greener Practice Gold Award Greener Practice – Gold Award Returning Inhalers Enhanced Access – New Weekend & Evening Appointments Greener Impact Award BE HONEST WITH US Prescription Ordering
If you telephone the surgery when it is closed you will be offered the option of calling our Out-of-Hours service or contacting the freephone 111 service depending on the time you call.
You may also wish to consider the following options:
1. Ring 111 for medical advice outside surgery hours.
2. If you have a minor injury go to the Minor Injuries Unit based at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. Open every day from 8.00a.m. until 8.00p.m.
3. If you need to see a GP or Nurse Practitioner for minor ailments go to the Walk-In Centre at Rockingham House, Broad Lane, S1 3PG. Tel 241 2700. This includes emergency contraception and any other minor health condition. Opening hours 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. every day.
4. If you have an accident or an emergency then attend the Accident & Emergency Department (Casualty) at the Northern General Hospital. Patients under 16 should attend the A&E Department at the Children’s Hospital. Please phone 999 for emergencies
5. If you need to speak to a Doctor or request a home visit please ring 0114 2344729 and you will be directed accordingly.
6. Your local pharmacist will be able to give you free health advice. The Wicker Chemist operates extended hours every day. Tel: 2727676
7. Patients requiring emergency contraception should be seen as soon as possible after the episode of unprotected intercourse. Patients requesting emergency contraception will always be seen on the same day at the surgery. If emergency contraception is required when the surgery is closed, patients should either attend the Walk-in Centre at at Rockingham House, Broad Lane, S1 3PG or at the GP Collaborative by phoning the surgery and the call will be diverted.